Thursday, October 14, 2010

Planning a Hunter Clinic November 21, with Robyn Baechler!!

Hunter Clinic November 21, 2010 with Robyn Baechler!!

We're looking forward to a really interesting clinic with Robyn. She is an Equine Canada Senior Hunter, Equitation, Hack Judge, and she is going to tell us all the secrets of the Hunter world!

Clinic Outline

9am - ‘chat’ on hunters - hunter showing, strategy, etc.

9:20am - 10:30am - group mounted flat work, hunter under saddle & equitation

10:30am - 10:45am - 'chat' on hunter over fences and equitation

10:45am - 11:45am - group mounted 'over fences'

11:45am - 12:30pm - hack class- discussion and group work on pleasure hack, road hack, show hack...